COVID-19 Webinar Series

ESOT launched a series of webinars on the impact of COVID-19 on organ transplantation. Researchers and clinicians, involved in the management of transplant programs during and after the peak of the pandemic, shared their experiences and different approaches. The panellists also shared the most recent data and research on the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on transplant recipients and candidates.

Recordings of these webinars are now available�on demand on the�ESOT's YouTube channel. See the dedicated playlist�here.

The COVID-19 webinar series is supported by an unrestricted grant from Chiesi

Management of Transplant Programs during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Chaired by Maria Irene Bellini and Francesco Giovinazzo

The first webinar in this series took place in April, when the impact of the pandemic on transplant programs was substantial. Speakers from some of the most affected countries shared respective reports about their situations and discussed key questions concerning the allocation of resources.

Management of Transplant Programs during COVID-19 Pandemic – Part II

Chaired by Maria Irene Bellini and Lucrezia Furian

In May, when the number of infections was coming under control in most European countries, speakers shared experiences and approaches in their respective nations.

The COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learnt from Italy

Chaired by Maria Irene Bellini and Luciano Potena

This webinar focused on Italy, the first European country hit by the virus and one of the most heavily impacted countries overall. Speakers shared their experiences, covering COVID-19 transmission dynamics and treatment, as well as the impact of the pandemic on organ donation and patients on the waiting lists.

Management of Transplant Programs during COVID-19 Pandemic – Part III

Chaired by Maria Irene Bellini and Raj Thuraisingham

The fourth webinar of ESOT series focused on the resumption of transplant programs. As hospitals resumed operations paused due to COVID-19, speakers Francesca Rubulotta (UK), Francesco Giovinazzo (Italy) Vassilios Papolois (UK) reported experiences and approaches in their respective countries. Allison Tong (Australia) addressed the impact of the suspension and resumption of transplant programs from the patient perspective, presenting the results of a recent study.

Liver transplantation and COVID-19: a joint ESOT-ELITA, ILTS, and EASL project

Chaired by Wojciech Polak

The culmination of the COVID-19 series, this joint webinar featured speakers representing the three societies to discuss the impact of the pandemic on liver transplantation and on medical education, and to launch a joint project on the impact of COVID-19 on liver transplant candidates. [This webinar was organised in the context of ESOT TLJ 2.0]

Explore the ELITA-ELTR project on COVID-19 and read the most recent publications

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Coping with Uncertainty during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Chaired by Anna Fosberg and Peter Carstedt

In this webinar, transplant professionals and transplant patient representatives exchanged concerns, suggestions and expectations in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this webinar was to raise awareness on the main concerns of transplant patients and to provide strategies and resources to help cope with the additional uncertainty caused by the pandemic.

This webinar was extended through two Q&A Sessions also available on demand.

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